Before subscribing, please read and understand our policy:

  1. Subscription Commitment:

    • By subscribing you agree to commit to a minimum of two subscription cycles before cancellation. This commitment ensures a consistent and uninterrupted service experience for both you and us.
  2. Cancellation Process:

    • Should you wish to cancel your subscription, you must complete at least two subscription cycles. The cancellation request can be made through our online platform or by contacting our customer support team -
    • Upon cancellation, you will no longer be billed for future subscription cycles.
  3. Discount Policy:

    • Discounts and promotional offers cannot be applied to subscription products other than the standard benefit of free shipping on orders over $100 (before taxes).
    • The free shipping benefit can be applieed to all subscription orders meeting the minimum order value requirement, irrespective of the product or subscription type.
  4. Billing and Payment:

    • Subscription charges will be automatically billed to your preferred payment method at the beginning of each subscription cycle.
    • Please ensure that your payment information is up to date to prevent any disruptions in service.
  5. Modifications and Termination:

    • We reserve the right to modify or terminate subscription services, including pricing, benefits, and terms, with reasonable notice provided to subscribers.
    • In the event of termination of a subscription service, you will be notified in advance, and any remaining subscription fees will be prorated and refunded accordingly.
  6. Acceptance of Terms

    • By subscribing to our service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this subscription policy.
     7. Effective Date:
    • This subscription policy is effective as of [January 1, 2024] and may be updated or revised periodically. Subscribers will be notified of any changes to the policy.