UCAN SuperStarch alternative performance energy

A 40 hour cooking process results in a super elongated complex carbohydrate glucose polymer with a molecular weight of approximately 500,000 to 600,000 g/mol. 

How does the molecular weight compare between SuperStarch and Cornstarch?

Cornstarch has a molecular weight of  692.7 g/mol. As a result, UCAN SuperStarch is almost 866X more complex than regular cornstarch.

Why does molecular weight matter? 

Three reasons why from Dr. Jeff Volek, expert researcher in low carb athletic performance and Chief Science Officer and Co_Founder of Virta Health. 

Reason 1 - Gentle on the Stomach

Since molecular weight and low gastrointestinal pressure are inversely related (more weight results in less pressure), SuperStarch rapidly leaves the stomach and intestines, and is more gentle on the stomach. 

Reason 2 - Time-Released Digestion

SuperStarch promotes a positive delayed and continual glucose absorption over time. The results lead to a minimized hormone insulin response.

Reason 3 - Low Glycemic and Hormone Insulin Response

If the carb consumed does not significantly raise blood glucose or hormone insulin levels, then your body will efficiently use a combination of fat, ketones and carbs for energy sources.

In contrast, if a carb significantly raises blood glucose and insulin levels, then your body will be more carb dependent, and not burn fat and ketones efficiently. 

Burning your fuel sources efficiently will promote improved body composition, fat burning and breakdown during exercise and recovery, and is very easy on the stomach.

What about other carb molecules, such as Sugar and Maltodextrin?

Below is a chart outlining the UCAN SuperStarch and a number simple sugars found in various carbohydrate sports drinks.

In comparison, UCAN SuperStarch has almost 1000X more complex than CornStarch and almost 1750X more complex maltodextrin, a popular ingredient in sports drinks. 



UCAN SuperStarch

600,000 g/mol


692.7 g/mol


342.3 g/mol

Maple Syrup 

342.3 g/mol

Sucrose (Cane Sugar)

342.3 g/mol


198.17 g/mol


180.16 g/mol

For a list of simple sugars used by other sports drinks, please see the table below. 




Maple Syrup

Brown Rice Sugar and Coconut Sugar

Endurance Tap


Gu Gel






Vega Pre-workout 





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